Defenses and Consequences XX

Ric is honored to be the interim mayor. He was as SURPRISED as anyone that the Board of Founders appointed him, on a nearly unanimous vote too. In fact, before the vote, Ric was sure the members of the Board of Founders would need more convincing to vote for him.

Ric thinks that, as the new mayor, he needs to have a house in town. He had a cabin built for him at the Mt. Banon Work Camp, but that’s too far out of the way to handle the day-to-day affairs of the town. He needs to be closer.

Instead of the usual contributions to the relief fund, Ric is asking everyone to take a break and instead help build a mayor’s house for the town. He will use the new mayor’s house as his residence during his interim term, and then it will be a place for the next mayor to reside.

Ric requests that you bring a load of building materials and tools to help build the mayor’s house.
Farming Level
Defenses and Consequences XIX

