Defenses and Consequences XIX

Lorn called this emergency council meeting to discuss the mayor’s death and to propose a change in plans.

Lorn suspects Ric had a hand in the mayor’s death last night. Ric claims that the mayor was perfectly well at their dinner yesterday evening, and that when they parted, the mayor was still alive. However, Lorn was told by the mayor, before that dinner with Ric, that he was going to end the work camp and relieve Ric of his duties. Lorn doesn’t believe in coincidences like this.

Another dangerous coincidence may arise when the Board of Founders meets tomorrow to appoint an interim mayor. Lorn will be voting for himself, but he’s afraid the other founders may be “convinced” to vote for someone that supports Ric.

Lorn thinks it’s time to start preparing an operation to rescue and hide the work camp prisoners, instead of waiting on a change in town policy. Will you help gather supplies for the rescue mission?
Farming Level
Defenses and Consequences XVIII


