The Fall of Water II
Suddenly, as quickly as the wall began, you see clear skies pierce the horrors of the Wall around you. The Wall recedes as you move forward together and the pressure and noise surrounding you ceases immediately.
What you see before you is unlike any majesty you’ve ever witnessed. Sun glistens off patches of ice, vibrant green grass grows in between patches of pristine white snow. A tree blossoms in a small frozen pond, purple and red hues accenting the light green leaves leaving you dazzled. Moments later, you realize water is continually falling from various branches, as though a fountain. Far away, a wall of ice seems to climb higher and higher out of the ground and water falls from its peak into a waterfall, glistening in the sun. The sound of the massive waterfall is at once tumultuous and calming. The water falls into a lake that you now see is the centerpiece of this area. The lake is surrounded by ice and a massive ice formation with one small stream running east towards the ocean.
After a moment of appreciating the splendor surrounded by Shva’s Wall, you gather yourself and offer the plain box to Thomas, but he looks at it suspiciously. “Perhaps I should keep the dagger…close.” He clenches the dagger tightly in one hand and steps towards the lake. “I’m being called. What you are seeing, is…my home.” Thomas winces at these words and without another word, he begins to move towards the lake.
Calling out, Thomas completely ignores you as he takes step after step forward. Reaching the lake, he steps onto it and ice spreads out beneath his feet. He looks back to you, expectantly, but as you gingerly step on a shallow pool of water your foot plunges directly through.
“Ah yes. Hm. You’re going to need a boat. Or well, an approximation of one.”
What you see before you is unlike any majesty you’ve ever witnessed. Sun glistens off patches of ice, vibrant green grass grows in between patches of pristine white snow. A tree blossoms in a small frozen pond, purple and red hues accenting the light green leaves leaving you dazzled. Moments later, you realize water is continually falling from various branches, as though a fountain. Far away, a wall of ice seems to climb higher and higher out of the ground and water falls from its peak into a waterfall, glistening in the sun. The sound of the massive waterfall is at once tumultuous and calming. The water falls into a lake that you now see is the centerpiece of this area. The lake is surrounded by ice and a massive ice formation with one small stream running east towards the ocean.
After a moment of appreciating the splendor surrounded by Shva’s Wall, you gather yourself and offer the plain box to Thomas, but he looks at it suspiciously. “Perhaps I should keep the dagger…close.” He clenches the dagger tightly in one hand and steps towards the lake. “I’m being called. What you are seeing, is…my home.” Thomas winces at these words and without another word, he begins to move towards the lake.
Calling out, Thomas completely ignores you as he takes step after step forward. Reaching the lake, he steps onto it and ice spreads out beneath his feet. He looks back to you, expectantly, but as you gingerly step on a shallow pool of water your foot plunges directly through.
“Ah yes. Hm. You’re going to need a boat. Or well, an approximation of one.”
