Starting To Actually Realize Magic Ain't Pretty III

You return to your home, and Star greets you warmly. As he gathers your materials in a similar fashion to before, he spreads the feathers around the outer bounds of the items. “A circle is a powerful tool in the hands of a skilled practitioner.” He motions you to step into the circle and Star pulls a staff out of thin air and begins to speak.

“This is gonna be a little wild. TEL-”

The world rushes around you and you feel as though you’re being pulled into a tiny string. The world elongates around you as shapes and colors rush past you, distorted and wonderful and awful all at the same time.


As suddenly as it begins, you find yourself in the basement of Star’s tower.

“What a rush! I’ve never done a side-along with a non-magic user before, it worked out well! Now you know why I love that spell so much!”

You nod tentatively as you try to regain your senses and composure.

“Anyways, let’s do a little more power transference with a hint of finding magic this time, shall we?”

Star arranges the myriad of items once again and casts his spell. You see another flicker of light falling from Star’s hands to the map, this time revealing a small line.

Star whoops with glee and immediately hands you another list.

He smiles, “I’d say we’re about 50% of the way there, and I’m so very grateful for your help! I promise to etch your name into the hall of findings once we’re done.”
Tower Level
Starting To Actually Realize Magic Ain't Pretty II

