Spirit of the Cards I
While George was building a house of cards yesterday, a rather powerful gust of wind flung open his front door. The trespassing wind proceeded to swirl all about his front room, and then zipped back out his front door just as quickly as it came. It even slammed the door shut on its way out. George wouldn’t have believed what he saw if the wind hadn’t also swept all of his cards out the door as it left. Hoping to catch his scattering cards, George ran out the door and attempted to follow that rogue wind, but his cards quickly disappeared from view.
Normally, George wouldn’t be too concerned about a lost deck of cards, but this was the deck he used during his free hours as a soldier. These cards were a reminder of good times and lost friends. George has to get them back.
Will you help George search for his lost cards? Even if you can only find a few, he would love to have them back. Most especially, George needs to find the hearts.
Normally, George wouldn’t be too concerned about a lost deck of cards, but this was the deck he used during his free hours as a soldier. These cards were a reminder of good times and lost friends. George has to get them back.
Will you help George search for his lost cards? Even if you can only find a few, he would love to have them back. Most especially, George needs to find the hearts.

Farming Level

Fishing Level

Crafting Level

Exploring Level