Problems Start Arising V
You return to the community center to see Buddy, sword drawn miming a swordfight, “You see, I had a secret too! I also am not left-handed!” Buddy dramatically swishes his cutlass and you toss one of the golden eggplants towards him. He throws the cutlass in the air, catches it with his right hand and deftly cleaves the eggplant in two, both sides falling to his feet dramatically. The crowd gasps and after a moment begin to clap excitedly. As a finale, all of the special effects go off and the crowd is at this point raucously cheering. He bows and smiles and steps away from the crowd.
“Nice timing! We’ve got to do a reconnoiter of the walls after the incident and then I can probably explain why Holger is so upset. “
“Nice timing! We’ve got to do a reconnoiter of the walls after the incident and then I can probably explain why Holger is so upset. “

Farming Level

Fishing Level

Crafting Level
Exploring Level

Tower Level