Archeology Requires Knowhow XVI

“Have you made any progress deciphering it?” Lorn asks Buddy as the three of you finish your food.

“I have. I’ve studied this style of characters for many years now. Now, I can read simple phrases and passages quickly.”

“Did you discover any clues to finding your people?”

Buddy’s normal cheery demeanor deflates before he responds to Lorn. “It’s basically worthless. It’s a listing of notes for a cleric about a ritual to reveal a rare flower. It’s a cheat sheet! They used it for spice, Lorn. I’m no closer than I ever have been…”

Buddy pauses, clearly struggling with frustration, before continuing.

“After I swiped this leather scroll from the Wodutrown brothers, I read it as soon as I got clear of their cabin. The scroll wasn’t helpful, but the Wodutrowns said they found it here. So I hoped there might be something else. I was right. There was. I found a small gem down by the river. It must’ve been wrapped in the leather and those oafs dropped it. You can see its impression on the scroll, where it should be placed on a small statue as part of the ritual. But the gem is worthless to my search…”

“Buddy!” Lorn interjects. “Let’s take it to Borgen! This might be a mineral he has seen in his travels.”

“I’ve asked Borgen before if he’s ever seen my people and he hasn’t.”

“Right, but this mineral might be from somewhere near where your people are. We might get a general area to continue the search…”

As Buddy realizes a new pathway has opened, his bubbly personality returns.

“Yes, Lorn, yes! That’s it! Let’s goooo!”

