A Wall In The Way VI

The trek north is slow but steady progress. The carts carrying your snow machines are well prepared thanks to the weight balancing steel plates and large tyres with treads Jill added. They also work off a strange system of wheel propulsion you nor Thomas understand, but they lighten your trek significantly and make obstructions significantly easier to navigate.

A week of traveling, past Cane Pole Ridge and farther north, you’re surprised to find rolling hills that never seem to break into a flatland or a mountain range. On the break of the ninth day, you see in the distance a bright gleam of sun, dazzling your eyes, you realize this might be the direction you seek. You change tack to the northwest and the temperature begins to drop precipitously. Ice begins to take over the landscape, and yet to the east and west, you see nothing but clear skies and green fields.

“This feels right,” Thomas says excitedly, “We’re gonna find this place and I’m gonna be the greatest fisherman slash explorer in Redbrook!”

You both make camp for the night and prepare for a journey into frozen lands in the morning.

Thomas seems somehow brighter through this experience, and you haven’t noticed any of the odd ticks from the previous days. Maybe Lorn was right, you think to yourself.

You both spend the better part of the morning trying to figure out exactly how Jill got these contraptions *on* the cart to begin with. While looking over the machines more thoroughly, you spy a big red button labeled “Start”.

Exhausted, you hop on and when you press the start button, the snow machine comes whirring to life. Gears begin turning and before you know it the treads on the backs of the machine start spinning slowly and you begin inching forward.

Thomas laughs triumphantly and yells, “It’s working! It’s working! Well, at least I think that’s what Jill might say.”

After a moment of revelry, you press the button again and the machine abruptly stops. You notice at that point a letter from Jill taped to the side of the machine with specific unloading instructions as well as operating instructions.


Here are my new creations, schematics I had only dreamed of until I heard of the parts you’d found in the Jundland Wastes – please take care of them, I’d be ever so sad never to see them again.

Your friend, Jill

(not a farmer)

