A Wall In The Way III

Thomas can hardly contain himself as you sit on the porch, he squirms uncomfortably and impatiently, between odd winces. Lorn looks at the sunset and smiles, seeming unhurried by the circumstances he has created.

You take a sip of tea, knowing that good things come to those who wait.

“Before Thomas wears a hole in my porch, let me tell you what I know…” Thomas stares at Lorn with rapt attention.

“In the days before, legend tells us the guardians of the world were sent forth to oversee the land, to give it a final shape and form. To walk amongst the people and care for them as one might care for a flock. Among them was Zho, though you might know them as Zholice or perhaps Shva, their ancient name is written in books I have read. Zho was the guardian of water and sapphire and they made their home among the people. There are legends of an unending cold known as Shva’s Playground, and within it lies Zho’s Lake. The lake is as clear as day, and it’s said you can walk on the lake and ice will form under your feet as you walk.” Lorn guffaws, “Fairy tales, I tell you…” After another pause, he continues “Other legends say that there is but one stream that leaves the lake, and that is how a fish from that mythical place could be found in the ocean. These fish are so rare, their value would be greater than anything you’ve seen so far. I didn’t believe it myself until I discovered the one from tonight a few months back.”

Thomas, leaning over the balcony, looks back to you both. “I’m gonna find that Lake, and I’m gonna fish up the best fish you’ve ever had Lorn, on my honor!” He looks to you and says, “Pack your things, we’re going north!” As he strides away, Lorn carries a wistful but knowing smile as he turns back to his house. “But I haven’t finished my story…”

You wonder if Lorn hadn’t planned this all along, but in the meantime, you realize you need to prepare for a trek to the north.
Fishing Level
A Wall In The Way II

