Unexpected Visitor XX

ROOMBA continues to run diagnostic testing on FR4NK while Jill hurls questions at your new acquaintance. “Why did you show up at my house? How did you break? What was that building in the desert? What do you know about the monster in the desert? Can you help us continue to research the desert?”

FR4NK's manner of speaking is eerily human like. If you closed your eyes you wouldn't think this was an automaton. “My memory core is not fully restored. I will share the information I have available. The guardian of the sands protects the remaining inhabitants of Jundland in tandem with the legacy of Castrum Romuska. Avoiding certain death is impressive for humans."

Suddenly, FR4NK's tone shifts from friendly to monotone. "Per your request, I will provide a device blueprint to aid safe navigation through Jundland if you release the Langstaff Crest into my possession."

"If you choose to return to Jundland after building the device, please do not disturb the inhabitants. It would not be wise of you.”
Farming Level
Exploring Level
Unexpected Visitor XIX

