Trouble A Head VI

With all of the items gathered from his list, the horseman sets the circle once more and begins to chant his spell. This time, the magic works smoothly and Alpie resists the urge to snack. A bright purple light sprouts from the ground and a portal opens to the Hessian's home. The horseman’s carved grin looks somehow happier than usual and his inner flame roars in excitement. He turns to face you and Lorn, and then bows gratefully.

"Thank you so much for your help."

"It was our pleasure. We both love a good adventure. Now don’t forget to mind those daisies?" Lorn chuckles.

The Hessian nods, and then gracefully swings into Alpie’s saddle.

"Excellent advice, my friend." the horseman says around his own chuckles and Alptraum’s whinny.

“Alpie, take us home.”

The horseman and his dark steed trot into the portal. As soon as they’re through, the gateway vanishes, the light extinguishes, and the remnants of the circle turn to dust. In the center of the circle where the Hessian stood, you now see a dark axe with a slip of parchment pinned between its blade and the ground. You pull the axe from the ground and Lorn picks up the parchment.

“It’s a note from the horseman.” Lorn says before reading it aloud. “Thanks again for all the help. I’ve never met any better or more helpful people than the two of you. I hope if you ever find yourself neck deep in trouble, or even just more adventure, this axe can be my way of lending you a hand.”
Farming Level
Fishing Level
Crafting Level
Exploring Level
Available From
October 23, 2023
Available To
November 3, 2023
Trouble A Head V
