The Otipeg Line I

Thomas helped a lovely couple move into their farmhouse yesterday afternoon. When the last crate was unloaded from the wagon, Thomas bid his new friends farewell and began to make his way to the edge of town. He was on a mission to update the town population sign along the main road. The mayor said this update was long overdue, and that 175 thousand is a number to celebrate.

Before Thomas made it more than a few dozen steps along the road, something strange happened. Thomas thought he saw a fairy. So, he followed it. A small, floating glimmer continued to stay just out of his reach for nearly a kilometer, until he arrived at an old stone wall.

As Thomas got close to the wall, the fairy vanished. Thomas continued to search for the vanished glimmer, but eventually gave up after several fruitless minutes. Instead, he turned his attention, reluctantly, to examining the wall.

The wall was about knee high and made of intricately locked stones. The stones were worn and smooth and showed no sign of decoration, except at the top of what appeared to be a post. On the top of the stone at the top of the post, Thomas found these words engraved.

“Otipeg Line”

Thomas has no idea what Otipeg Line means, but he would love to learn more about it. He’s going to ask Lorn if he knows anything. Thomas is going to catch some fish to bring as a gift to Lorn, in exchange for Lorn helping Thomas figure this mystery out. Will you help Thomas catch a few extra fish to really impress Lorn?
Farming Level
Fishing Level
Crafting Level
Exploring Level
Available From
September 14, 2023
Available To
September 15, 2023
The Otipeg Line II

