That Which Hat Bewitches Witches And Wizards III

You return to Rosalie’s home with more spiders and jars than would be comfortable for even George, and find Rosalie sitting across from Star Meerif. You’re not sure what exactly they’re saying, it sounds like a foreign language to you. “Well, the aura of monorecidivism in the colloquial basketweaving of destined death with regards to azure eclipses in the 4th quarter of halloween distribution with a proper sigma to the sixth degree would predicate a lack of color here.” They turn to you, faces flush and say in unison, “We’re gonna need more…of everything!” Star grabs your hand and whispers in your ear, “And something special - for Rosalie!”
Available From
October 22, 2024
Available To
November 3, 2024
That Which Hat Bewitches Witches And Wizards II

