Strange Companions XXXIX
Stepping back into the town in the dead of night, you approach the center and find Ric Ryph, out of breath talking to the two guards heatedly.
“The clumsy thumb was here, I know his remaining compatriot will be here too. {player} can’t help being far behind riding the coattails of the so-called Golden Leaf…” he trails off for a moment before pointing at the guards. “You and you! Double the guards! Rally the militia! Tomorrow morning, we will rid Redbrook once and for all of this dragon and my…our…town will be rid of this menace and we can move towards our glorious future!”
At this, the guards give a poor imitation of a salute and head towards the north of town.
“And you friends…”, Ric kicks some dust and sand at the makeshift prison of your compatriots. “This town,” Ric raises his hands and spins around slowly proclaiming to the group and the air, “is mine now. The Golden Leaf is finished, and this dragon will meet her end in the morning. There is no one left to oppose me. I’ve beaten your mayor, your wizard, your soldier, your dragon, your sorceress and your erstwhile pirate.” His laugh echoes across the square, “And I barely had to lift a hand to do it. Trusting folk, the lot of you.” He stops again, his chuckle turning malicious. “I’ve killed many dragons before, and I’ll kill more yet this branch. And someday, maybe even with your help Beatrix, Alghavaz will be in my grasp.”
“The clumsy thumb was here, I know his remaining compatriot will be here too. {player} can’t help being far behind riding the coattails of the so-called Golden Leaf…” he trails off for a moment before pointing at the guards. “You and you! Double the guards! Rally the militia! Tomorrow morning, we will rid Redbrook once and for all of this dragon and my…our…town will be rid of this menace and we can move towards our glorious future!”
At this, the guards give a poor imitation of a salute and head towards the north of town.
“And you friends…”, Ric kicks some dust and sand at the makeshift prison of your compatriots. “This town,” Ric raises his hands and spins around slowly proclaiming to the group and the air, “is mine now. The Golden Leaf is finished, and this dragon will meet her end in the morning. There is no one left to oppose me. I’ve beaten your mayor, your wizard, your soldier, your dragon, your sorceress and your erstwhile pirate.” His laugh echoes across the square, “And I barely had to lift a hand to do it. Trusting folk, the lot of you.” He stops again, his chuckle turning malicious. “I’ve killed many dragons before, and I’ll kill more yet this branch. And someday, maybe even with your help Beatrix, Alghavaz will be in my grasp.”