Strange Companions XV

Your vision fades. Stars streak by. Time changes. An eternity passes before the blink of an eye.

The shadow.
A picture.

Lives lived. Lives lost. Love. Hate. Regret.

“Are…you okay?” Focus again brings you back to reality where Thomas is peering at you in a peculiar fashion.
Shaking your head as if from a long dream, you put on a brave smile, and give Thomas a pat on the shoulder. You request a trout dinner to celebrate his catch at a later time and bid a distracted farewell. As you look to your left, you glimpse a shadow disappearing down a side street. The glimmer from an object catches your eye, but you’ve no idea what it is. How peculiar, the thought enters your head, and exits just as briefly. The urge to give chase is quickly overwhelmed by the memory of the experience before Thomas arrived. Maybe the sideroads are even less safe…
As Thomas steps away, you brace yourself for the feeling of being watched to return, but after a few moments, the sky is still clear and shining. It takes you a few moments of deliberate steps forward to remember your goals, but bolstered by the shining sky your pace quickens, hoping to run into Holger.
As luck would have it, you run into Holger not 10 minutes later on the east side of town. He looks deep in thought as he stares towards the horizon, a whittling project seems to have been forgotten to his left, a half finished drink on his right.
Holger motions to you to sit down on the blanket he has spread out, and you join him. Before you forget, you remember your purpose from Rosalie, and hand him a gift basket.
Farming Level
Exploring Level
Strange Companions XIV

