Pirates Start Arriving VII

“Ey yew, yah, yew, ya big ole thumb lookin’ fella. Cap’n Hrakness is lookin’ fer yew. She said yew know wots comin’ and if yew know wots best yew’ll give this teeny tiny town up. It ain’t worf the hassle iffen yew know wot I mean.”

Vincent moves to make the pirate stop talking, but Buddy - with a swish of a cutlass - stops him.

“Oh, I know the Captain all right, but you guys can stay your hand. Redbrook is no home for pirates. Kindly show yourselves back to whatever cave you came from up north. Let her know we are not interested.”

The pirate spits at Buddy derisively. “There’s a plague comin’ mate, best figure out if youse is the contagion or the dead.”

Buddy takes a menacing step towards the pirate and the pirate immediately turns tail and runs.

“Well, now you might have an idea why Holger might be mad at me…”

Vincent suggests rigging some extra defensive measures tonight before the town council meeting.
Farming Level
Fishing Level
Crafting Level
Exploring Level
Tower Level
Pirates Start Arriving VI

