Of Hares And Feathers

Having heard nothing from frank or Star for quite some time, you think the apparent rift between the two has finally ended. As you are walking through your fields, an all too familiar cloud of feathers appears.

“I truly must apologize. I believe the lemon must have greatly affected the energy in my spells. Let’s assume that both frank and I were a bit overzealous in our pranks, and unfortunately, you were wrapped up in all of it.” Star waves with a flourish, and suddenly you see frank, sitting behind Star.

“Right, sorry. Pranks. Too much, not for you. I get it. Won’t happen again, unless it does, and then it will. We’ve had this prank war going on for years now, he really got me this time. I mean, on your roof? Lucky you still have a roof, am I right?” frank is chewing on one of your carrots. Apparently, even when he’s apologizing, he’s still hungry.
Farming Level
Exploring Level
Hare Handler VIII

