Cookies of Friendship

“I’m pretty sure Borgen is leaving things out for me, when I break into his wagon now. It almost takes the fun out of breaking in and taking stuff. Like today, there was a cookie just sitting on a plate right by the door. Who puts a cookie on a plate on the floor right by the door? Now I feel like I need to get something for Borgen to say thanks. It was a really good cookie.”

“Speaking of that cookie, I almost brought it over for you. When I saw it, I immediately thought it would be something you might like. I even set it aside with the intent to bring it to your house on my way home. Then, I was finishing up taking a few odds and ends from Borgen’s pantry, and snacking on a few as I browsed. Without thinking, I grabbed the cookie as I was leaving and it sort of got caught up in my general snacking. Sorry about that. The next cookie Borgen leaves out for me is all yours.”
