April Trout Brings May Flowers XIII
"I am unsure what to do with this organic lifeform. Programming indicates it is either for sustenance or slapping. As I am still a fan of ethanol snacks, I accept your gifts in the spirit they were given." ROOMBA also seems very confused.
Thomas has a quiet smile and suggests you visit George, but ROOMBA interrupts as you leave. "If gifts are appropriate, the Sandwyrm would probably enjoy this organic lifeform as sustenance, FR4NK and I both worry it is not getting enough in recent times."
Thomas has a quiet smile and suggests you visit George, but ROOMBA interrupts as you leave. "If gifts are appropriate, the Sandwyrm would probably enjoy this organic lifeform as sustenance, FR4NK and I both worry it is not getting enough in recent times."

Tower Level

Available From
April 1, 2024

Available To
April 30, 2024
